Sleep Disorders

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do you wake up feeling tired or anxious? There are many kinds of sleep disorders and they are characterized by a variety of symptoms. Some of the most common sleep disorders are related to sleep apnea, snoring, sleep deprivation, insomnia, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome. Douglas Anderson, MD is familiar with many sleep disorders, especially insomnia and narcolepsy, and he is happy to help patients throughout Utah who need treatment options.

Characteristics of Insomnia

Severe insomnia can be experienced on its own, but it is often related to an underlying medical condition or as a side effect of certain medications. Patients who complain of insomnia also tend to have one or more of the following symptoms.

  • Waking up in the middle of night or trouble falling asleep at night
  • Feeling tired even after a full night’s sleep
  • Depression, anxiety, and irritability
  • Increased accidents or errors during normal routine
  • Trouble focusing or remembering
  • Worrying about sleep throughout the day

Characteristics of Narcolepsy

If you are experiencing any of these extreme symptoms, you may have narcolepsy:

  • Sleep paralysis: Patients with sleep paralysis may experience a sensation where they are unable to move or speak upon waking or falling asleep. These episodes are brief, lasting no more than a few minutes, but they can be frightening for the patient.
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness: One of the main problems a narcolepsy patient experiences is decreased alertness during the day, coupled with random episodes of sleep which can occur at any time.
  • Abrupt loss of muscle tone (cataplexy): Some patients with narcolepsy also experience a condition known as cataplexy. With this condition, patients have episodes where their speech is slurred and they lose all strength in their muscles. These episodes can occur multiple times a day or only once a year.

Sleep disorders can be frustrating or scary, leading to decreased productivity or the potential for accidents. If you have trouble sleeping and wake up feeling tired, you may have a sleep disorder. To learn more about sleep disorders like insomnia or narcolepsy, reach out to Douglas Anderson, MD of Ogden to schedule your consultation.